Wednesday, 27 January 2010


Mornings are... zombie time.

Children sit and stare blankly until filled with cereal and chased to get washed and dressed. Adults stumble around, muttering, snatching food whilst ironing and putting packed lunches together.

Around 07:30, everybody is awake enough be trusted behind the wheel. The family parts, to schools and to childminders.

Sometime between home and school, spinning mental gears catch, and you notice you are in the car...

...the working day happens...

Home again.

Meals happen. Conversations happen. TV happens. Hobbies happen. Cubs, Scouts, Hip-Hop dance classes happen.

Children go to bed, reading happens.

Adults have calm time, TV time, internet time.

Bed happens.

The alarm goes off...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. @Silence

    The only accents I hear are on TV. *I* don't have an accent...

  3. Hi Mr. Kiteman!

    How nice you describe the family life !! All what you are passing, is passing in other houses. This running crowd(?) , thi life I am missing!! Only in summer times for two-three months, my children are together with me... Do you know? Last three years, I am living ONLY for this two- three months all the year.
    A family croud for all the year- all the life- is an only thing to enjoy!! What do you think about my turn than?

    G'night! Sleep well!!

    Devrim- from instructable
